ACIF meets annually, most recently the fall, either late September or October, at a location of mutual interest.
The convention typically runs for three days, with Thursday being free to sight see and antique on your own or in groups, with everyone gathering for dinner. Friday may involve a tour of a local attraction and in the evening we have a group dinner then gather for show and tell with members sharing unusual or rare finds. After this, we have our annual fundraising auction. On Saturday morning the member hosting the year's convention opens their home so the group can view the host's collection. Saturday evening there is a more formal dinner, typically a presentation or two, and the annual sale.
Most of all, the convention is a chance to renew friendships and to gather and discuss recent finds, current sources and prices of collectibles, and the history of old feeders.
Previous Conventions
Prior conventions: their locations and hosts (when known) are listed below. Historically, every fourth year the ACIF convention has been held in the same location as the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors (FOHBC) national convention as indicated below with (FOHBC) after the city and state.